Monday, June 1, 2009

Our Family

"Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain."

--Found in The Bible, Psalm 127:1, NIV

Each day is a gift from our Lord and if we use it correctly with the ways He desires us to do, what a blessing it will be. The enemy loves to destroy our days--make a sibling angry about something and take it on the other brother or sister, place doubt and fear in our minds that tomorrow is going to be a bad day, and so on. Let us not let that happen!

~Rachel M.


Jenna said...

I love it Josh and Rachel! Can't wait to see your future posts about your little farm in the city (how cute!) :)

Your sister in Christ,

Rachel said...

Thank you, Jenna. (: Have a blessed day!

Love in Him,
Rachel M.

Bethany said...

I love the idea Josh and Rachel! I am looking forward to following another of your blogs (they are always so awesome and fun!

Rachel said...

Thank you Bethany! Have a blessed day. (:

Love in Him,

Josh said...

So neat! I can't wait for you guys to get this up and running!

God Bless,

Rachel said...

Thank you, Josh! (:

In Him,
Rachel M.