Joshua and I are brainstorming as do many blogger brains I'm sure when starting a new blog. So, one of our thoughts is starting a little something called 'What's Happening this Weekend' series-type thing. Each Thursday, either Joshua or I will post what we are doing this weekend. It may not be anything exciting or there might be a lot of plans. Who knows. Let's see how this goes for awhile :)
This weekend, I Rachel, am doing the following:
Thursday evening: Bible study and spending the night at Grandma's house to help watch Elizabeth in the morning when momma is at work
Friday--helping watch Elizabeth, shopping at the thrift store with Grandma (I have recently loved shopping there, especially finding things you like!) Hoping to attend the home school graduation at church where my dear friends are graduating
Saturday--complete my chores, relax while remembering classes are finished, maybe take a walk in the evening with my mom
And Sunday--go to church with my dear family and worship the Lord!

Have a great weekend Rachel:)
We'll just be working around the house (shaving goats etc.). Also, we have a little league game and then a funeral on Saturday. Church on Sunday.
Thank you, Jenna, you too. (: Have a blessed weekend, dear sister.
Love in Him,
Rachel M.
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